The information contained on this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not psychological or medical advice. Transmission of this information is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute a client-coach relationship.
The information presented on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder and it is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed health care professionals. Any stories or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual for any particular issue. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed.
In no way should the information contained herein be considered as legal, medical or any other type of advice, other than potentially educational. This disclaimer is made not because we feel we’re misguided in our search for the truth but because we believe in the importance of personal responsibility and a level playing field of information for health and life-style choices. We strive to facilitate as many people in the educating, questioning and making of their own decisions which we hope is based on personal research, instead of relying solely on the conclusions and opinions of others.
Rev. Heidi Buswell, LLC (Heidi Buswell) accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website. By viewing this website you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Heidi Buswell, her heirs, personal representatives, consultants, employees and assigns from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, emotional, psychological or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of the information presented on this website. Heidi Buswell strongly advises you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision. If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.