A verb generally describes action – it moves the sentence along… Joe ran, Suzie sat, my dad put.
A noun is a person, place, or thing… the noun is what the verb refers to (Joe, Suzie, my dad).
This means that while verbs are all about activity and movement, nouns are more static: basic identifiers.
So, why is this important? Because language is causing confusion (and devaluing) something very important: hope. Where hope is concerned, the verb acts like a noun and the noun acts like a verb.
Hope (the verb) is rather insipid – dull, flat, lifeless. It has value in the way it is used, but typically, hope is a general expression of goodwill that requires no action on our part:
- I hope you feel better
- I hope it doesn't rain
- I hope your team wins
In contrast, the vibration of hope (a noun identifying a “thing”) is strong and vibrant and full of life. In fact, the vibration of hope demands action. (Exactly the opposite of what a noun is supposed to do.)
Hope is the stuff life. It is the vibration of flowers budding in the spring, and new born anything (babies, kittens, horses, dreams). Hope is at the base of our impulse to heal and grow and shine – for without hope, there is no reason to bother.
Under everything else, hope is what keeps us going – because hope affirms that anything is possible.
By thinking of hope as an action (wishy-washy, automatic, and colorless) it is easy to discount its immense power and importance. In fact, it is easy to forget that like joy, forgiveness, life force energy, and present time, HOPE is a vibration that we can draw into our space and use whenever we wish.
As way to close a mediation, give hope a try. When you are done, fill your energy system with your own personal vibration of hope. Then sit back, enjoy, and notice the changes.