There are several different kinds of group readings because there are many different types of groups. The reason for a group reading varies from something fun to play around with to a way to address a serious issue with some neutrality. There are some examples below, but the actual structure of the reading is very flexible and really depends upon the group. Due to the interactive nature of this type of reading, it needs to be done in person or over the phone rather than through e-mail.
- Family Reading – There are several family reading configurations: couples, brothers/sisters (all or just one), parent/child, and a whole family are a few examples. In this reading, I look at the relationships between all group members. This includes any spiritual agreements and energetic connections that are in place. I also review past lives that are in common. In addition to examining the individual connections, I look at the lessons group members are learning together. At the end of the informational part of the reading, each person takes turns asking questions that can have an individual or group focus. Not all members of the family group involved in the reading need to be present. It is nice if they are, but if they are gone, they can still be included in the reading.
- Friends Reading – This is usually done as a round robin where each person is given an individual rose reading and allowed to ask a single question. However, I can also read the group as a whole – reviewing any group agreements, past lives, or lessons. I can also combine the two; do a group review to start, and then look at questions from each individual.
- Co-Workers Reading – This is usually a cross between a family reading – looking at the dynamics/agreements/lessons between group members – and a friends reading where it is more casual. Sometimes this is done as a team building exercise and others it is done to address a specific concern within the group.